The Best Home Remodeling Company
in Dallas and Fort Worth
Industry-leading 10 year warranty
100% happiness guarantee.
Everything from Bathrooms, to Painting, to Full Additions
Blue Fox is guaranteed to give you the best quality and best service.
So what are you waiting for? Schedule your estimate today today and let us show you why we're the most expectational home remodeling company in Dallas and Fort Worth! Give us a call at (469) 317-0009 or book your estimate online!
100% Happiness Guarantee
We know it can be tough finding a remodeling contractor you can trust. That's why we guarantee high quality craftsmanship. In the rare event there is an issue on your project, just let us know we will fix it! No matter the size of the project, we stand by our word. Period.

Industry Leading
10 Year Warranty
If you're looking for quality Bathroom, Kitchen, or Home remodeling, then you've come to the right place! We offer an industry leading 10 year warranty on almost everything we do. So, shop around we dare ya! You will not find a better warranty in the entire state. Quality is important to us and that's our way to prove it.