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Exterior Painting

#1 Painter in Midland TX

Best Painting Technology + Experience + Guarantee

Same Day Painting Quote

The future is here. No more waiting for your quote – our quotes are fast and accurate.

No Money Down

No Deposit required.  We will buy all the paint and materials.  You pay when we are done. 

100% Happiness Guarantee

We are so confident you'll love our work.  If you're not happy, you don't pay.  Period.

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Free Same Day Painting Estimate

Thank you!  We will call you within minutes!

Trust. Service. Experience.

Painting is not just something we do; it’s what we know. Our expert knowledge of products and application processes are key to our strong reputation. Our expertise comes from years of experience working with a variety of products, surface materials, and continuous training for all employees. We can answer all of your questions, provide options, and we have a free in house color consultant available for every job if you need a little help narrowing down those color choices.


"They show up on time.  Do a GREAT job.  And clean up after themselves!  What more could you ask for?

Mason V - Midland, TX

High Quality. Lasting Paint. 

​Owning a home is a big investment & We will protect it with paint that will last.  Ultimately, great Midland house painting comes down to the paint. It’s why we use Sherwin-Williams paint lines, specially formulated for homes in the South.

Exterior Paint Sherwin Williams
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Interior Painting

If your rooms need a little color, or if they are begging for a makeover, a fresh coat of paint in a striking new color can make a huge difference.

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Exterior Painting

Able to withstand extreme weather, UV light rays, and the build-up of pollutants  exterior painting is one of the best ways to protect your home.

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Kitchen Cabinet Enameling

Transform your kitchen or bathroom cabinets to look like they just came out of a factory.

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Epoxy Floors

Whether your floor is badly damaged, or it has significant staining, an epoxy floor may be the right choice to bring that floor back to life.

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Get your same day exterior estimate now!

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